Should Positive Customer Reviews Be Responded To?

It is obvious that hoteliers need to respond as quickly as possible to bad customer comments, to avoid tarnishing the e-reputation of their establishment, however not all hoteliers take the time, or think it is not useful to respond to positive customer comments.

Here are a few tips to guide you in the development of your response to a positive comment on Google, your social networks or Tripadvisor for example :

  1. Thank the traveller by name.

Be sure to thank the traveller and address him by name. This person has taken the time to write a glowing review of your property, which does wonders for your online reputation. The least you can do is thank him or her for doing you a favour!

  1. Customize the evaluation response.

Repeat some of the specific compliments the appraiser makes about your hotel. Express your joy that your traveller had such a wonderful stay. This reinforces the positive aspects and shows readers that you really care about your guests.

  1. Thank the traveller again and encourage them to return.

Encourage loyalty by reminding your customers that you love to see them again and again.