A hotel website SEO audit (or SEO audit) works using a checklist to find problems that are hindering your site's SEO performance. This gives you the opportunity to resolve these issues and improve your hotel's ranking in search results.

Checking your hotel's SEO using one of the many verification tools that a quick Google search can provide is a good start, but it's not enough.
A full SEO audit will provide you with all the details you need to create an operational improvement plan. With this information, your improvement plan will be more complete and will include important elements such as :
- a technical assessment of the SEO
- an assessment of the site's SEO structure
- an on-site SEO assessment
- an off-site SEO assessment
- an assessment of the Ux design
- a content optimization assessment
Depending on your site, you can make a long list of items that need improvement. Remember that you don't have to rush to address them all at once. Rather, prioritize the most important issues and develop a plan to address them so that you can improve your site as you go along.
After all, achieving and maintaining a good SEO is a never-ending process.