Boring and uninteresting content will fail, regardless of the medium used. In the case of email content, you need to start by thinking about why people signed up for your newsletter.
Here are some common reasons why people might sign up:
- They want to receive offers and promotions.
- They want to find out about local seasonal events.
- They have an affinity for your brand.
- They are interested in your food and beverage experience.
- They like to know what's going on in your hotel.
There are several ways to determine which topics are of most interest to your email recipients. You can test different types of content and see which users respond to different types of emails. You can also ask them a few questions when they register (see below). Once you know their intentions, you can associate segmented users with the right content.
A golden rule for writing the content of a marketing e-mail: If you don't have anything useful to say, then don't say anything at all. Every campaign should be created with the user in mind. It should be your top priority to reward people who sign up. They care enough about what you do to share their email address with you. But that can change with one click at the bottom of your next email.